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You can save the planet?


Get to know the project

The "Gamers4Nature: Mission Earth - Reconnecting with Nature Through the Creation of Digital Games" project (ref 2020-1-PT01-KA201-078789)aims to raise young student’s awareness on the importance of environmental and biodiversity preservation, through the creation of digital games and to provide opportunities of co-learning and knowledge share based on experiential learning in outdoor settings. The project's specific objectives are:

  • to raise young student’s awareness on the importance of environmental preservation through the creation of digital games;
  • to provide opportunities of co-learning and knowledge share based on experiential learning in outdoor settings, through the organization of “reconnecting with nature” events;
  • to provide opportunities for the development of computational thinking and communication skills and encourage participation of young students in EU coding events (e.g. EU Code Week);
  • to organize a global game design competition, where teams from different countries will be challenged to develop a game addressing a local and/or a global environmental issue;
  • to inspire participants to adopt more sustainable practices, to understand local problems and global threats to biodiversity preservations and to take action towards a more sustainable and more conscious environmental behaviour.


Explore the Toolkit

The Toolkit to Game Design is an instrument to support the process of game narratives’ creation, being aimed at users with or without experience in programming, design or other game creation’s field. It consists of game elements cards (GCCS - Game Construction Cards Set), thematic cards of environmental issues, a document to support the construction of the narrative which gives a possible guidance on the use of GCCS (RGDD - Rapid Game Design Document) and also the packaging that guides the use of the Toolkit (filesize: 47, 7 MB). This kit can be used in an educational context, in brainstorming and ideas’ discussion, in workshops and in Game Jams sessions.


Inspire yourself

"A starting point for creating games"
Through the exploitation of the resources developed to support the game creation process, users are challenged to build games that are capable of raising a greater preservation of nature and biodiversity awareness. Regardless of the context of its use, the Toolkit allows even an inexperienced user to create a game narrative that, directly or indirectly, fosters knowledge about an environmental issue.

Download the formative packs

Each formative pack contains four sets of thematic cards addressing four contries'/regions' local biodiversity and/or biodiversity threats, being organized in four categories: factual information about local biodiversity; information about the process behind biodiversity and biodiversity loss; fact check on truths and myths about biodiversity and endangered species; and suggestions of specific actions and behaviour changes that may have a big impact in biodiversity preservation.

How to use the formative pack:

  1. Download the thematic cards set
  2. Print (each card has a front/back page)
  3. Explore the cards to know more about biodiversity
  4. Use the cards with the G4N+ Toolkiit to create a game narrative



Universidade de Aveiro
Associação BioLiving
Sancta Maria College, Ireland
Péter András Gimnázium és Kollégium, Hungary
IES Pedro Jiménez Montoya, Spain
Agrupamento de Escolas EmídioGarcia, Bragança, Portugal
Serious Games Society, Italy